James Bond Fans Voted On Who Should Replace Daniel Craig In The Franchise

James Bond Fans Voted On Who Should Replace Daniel Craig In The Franchise

While Daniel Craig isn't quite done playing James Bond yet, the question of who will take over the role once he is done has become a hot topic once again. While it will likely be some time before the powers that be at Eon Productions make a decision on a successor, that hasn't stopped the question from being asked to James Bond fans. A recent poll of 1000 UK fans of the super spy asked who they would like to see be the next James Bond. Over a quarter of those polled choose Idris Elba, who has been the name most attached to the role in recent days, though he's followed closely by Tom Hardy. Check out the results below.

Idris Elba 26%Tom Hardy 22%Tom Hiddleston 11%Aidan Turner 5%James Norton 5%

Idris Elba took 26% of the vote among 1000 fans polled by UK movie theater chain ODEON as reported by Express. However, 22% choose Venom actor Tom Hardy. While recent reports that Idris Elba was actually being actively considered for the role turned out to be false, that hasn't stopped many from believing that it's time to see the role gain some diversity and that Elba would be the perfect man to take that step. Tom Hardy was a name that was also rumored as a potential new Bond back before Daniel Craig had agreed to return for another film, and while he never commented on the rumors, he said the reason he wouldn't talk about it was because he didn't want the role to go away, which implied he was interested.

Tom Hiddleston puts up a decent 11% in the poll. Hiddleston was an early name attached to the role in the days post-Spectre, but it seems that if he ever was truly being considered, the focus changed, as his name seemed to fall out of the conversation. Having said that, one would assume that the next time the role comes up, everybody will get a fair shot.

The other two names would seem to be long shots from the fan perspective. Aiden Turner is probably best known to American audiences as Kili from Peter Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy. James Norton is probably even less known on this side of the pond. His focus has been largely English television at this point so if you're not a fan you may have missed him. Both these names may seem unlikely, but few people knew who Daniel Craig was before he was cast in the role.

While we know Daniel Craig will be back as James Bond at least once, we don't really know what's happening after that. It hasn't been officially announced this is his last go round. If it is, then Eon Productions may start looking for a new Bond sooner rather than later to make sure we don't go too long without a Bond movie. Otherwise, there may be an attempt to woo Craig to come back once again, with new actors only being considered if that doesn't work out.

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How Wes Anderson Has Evolved As A Filmmaker, According To Bill Murray

How Wes Anderson Has Evolved As A Filmmaker, According To Bill Murray

Bill Murray first started working with Wes Anderson on the filmmaker's second directorial effort, 1998's Rushmore, and they have been inseparable ever since. Their long-time collaboration includes eight features -- including the upcoming Isle of Dogs -- and in that span Murray has had the opportunity to really watch Anderson evolve as a filmmaker. Reflecting on that idea, the actor recently explained what it was like working with back at the start and how it's different now:

Back then, they were kind of pushing [him] around a little bit, you know. It was Disney, and they weren't giving him what he wanted to do. I didn't think they were particularly kind to him. I don't think they've got him, like they understood what they had. And he made two movies in a row with them, and I still didn't think they knew what they had. And finally he ended his relationship with them, and I don't think they ever delivered the goods. I don't think they worked as hard as he did.

Last month I flew out to Berlin, Germany for a special Isle of Dogs press event for the film's world premiere, and it was while participating in roundtable interview with co-star Bob Balaban that Bill Murray took a look back at his earliest days collaborating with Wes Anderson. Recognizing the 20 year history between the two men, I asked Murray how Anderson is a different filmmaker than he was back in 1998, and he told me the story.

In the way that Bill Murray told the story, you could tell that the experience making both Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums resulted in him gaining a lot of respect for Wes Anderson -- which goes a long way in explaining why he's always game to reunite with him on any project that he's doing. Continuing, Murray not only expressed admiration, but also deep appreciation for the fact that Anderson eventually teamed up with Steve Rales -- a producer who has been a part of all of the writer/director's films since 2007's The Darjeeling Limited. Said Murray,

Just to sort of ignore that, bang your way through that, continuing to make his individual movies, not ever doing what they wanted him to... like he would look at their notes and go, 'That's great.' They would try to give him notes and to his credit, any artist's credit, he's like, 'Ehh, that's not going to happen.' So that doesn't happen anymore. He's lucky enough to find Steve Rales, who is the perfect guy... They make these movies happen, and they're really artists. Steve really appreciates art. He's a great art collector, and he really appreciates art. He likes to see art made. He likes to see art made, one way or another, to have some sort of piece of it. So his development is not just that he found a guy with money that wants to do his movies - his development is that his reach is so great.

That reach is plainly evident in Wes Anderson's latest, Isle of Dogs. Stop-motion animated films are incredibly rare nowadays, and yet he found a way to make it just as rich and incredible an experience as all of his other films. As I express in my review, it's so much of what you love about him as a director, and also introduces plenty of new and fresh ideas.

You'll be able to catch Isle of Dogs in theaters for yourself very soon, as the movie will be arriving in theaters this Friday.

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